Herrmann Law Group

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Governor Restarts Medical Services

As of May 18th, by proclamation of the Governor, medical providers in the State of Washington can begin seeing patients for all medical services.

Many in Washington were understandably confused by prior government orders prohibiting elective procedures. Some providers voluntarily closed and refused to see patients. At the time, there were many concerns, including insufficient personal protective equipment. 

Thankfully, the situation in Washington has improved and the Governor’s office is encouraging citizens to seek medical care they need. “If you need medical care, you should absolutely contact your provider. Do not be afraid to get treated over fears of COVID-19. You can ask your medical provider about telemedicine services. Your doctor or nurse may be able to help you over the phone or computer.”

 As part of the opening process, health care offices were asked to institute new procedures to avoid crowding and lengthy exposure to other potentially sick patients. Your medical provider may ask you to take additional precautions before entering, such as wearing a mask or waiting in your car until your appointment. With precautions in place, you should be able to safely receive treatment. 

Many people were not getting treatment for ongoing, serious health issues out of fear of contracting the virus. This was especially true in personal injury cases and for those seeing chiropractors or physical therapists. The Governor’s office has given the green light for all medical procedures to resume, including chiropractic treatment, physical therapy, and other care.

Please consult your health care provider about beginning or resuming your medical care.